Are you struggling to think of ideas on how to get kids to clean up after themselves? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. As we migrate to this new climate of remote working and virtual classrooms, your family is now at home more than ever, and more than likely creating a bigger mess. Help them develop good cleaning habits at a young age. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite tricks and tips to make cleaning fun for kids of all age

1.) Fun Bedding
Sometimes getting your child into or out of their bed can be a chore on its own. Get them in the habit of waking up and making their own bed and create a morning routine for them that includes cleaning up after themselves. Pillowcases or blankets with their favorite character can help motivate them to display their bedding neatly. Have them organize any stuffed animals that they keep on their bed as well.

2.) Cleaning Race
Give each of your kids a list of cleaning tasks and have them compete for the fastest time. If there is only one kid in your home, you can have them race against the timer. Keep score and have them try to beat their fastest time on the next clean. Just make sure they’re being careful, and not rushing so fast that they do a sloppy job.

3.) Washing Toys in the Dishwasher
Teach your kids how to use the dishwasher to wash their toys. This is not for the plush toys or other toys that are generally machine washable, but dishwashers are great for toy cars, action figures and Legos. This also gives your kids the opportunity to learn how the buttons on the dishwasher work, and we all know how much kids love pressing buttons.

4.) Play Music or Sing A Song
Do you find that you’re more likely to clean faster to music? The music helps you stay on task, and makes you less vulnerable to distractions. Playing your kids’ favorite songs will help put them in a better mood and help them stay on task. If you’re a musical family, you could even try to make up your own family cleaning song!

5.) Give them a Treat or Reward
It’s very important that you give your little ones lots of praise when they first start learning to clean. Make it an enjoyable experience for them by rewarding them for their efforts. This can be a small allowance, or an edible treat like a cookie or banana. After a while, your kids will associate a job well done with a rewarded feeling naturally.

6.) Create a Family Chore Chart or Wheel
Cleaning can get very repetitive. Switching up the weekly chores adds a little excitement in the mix. Creating the chart or wheel can be a fun activity for the whole family. Plus it’s always fun to spin a wheel!

7.) Finish with a Treasure Hunt
Disclose to your kids that there is secret money hidden around the home, and the only way to find it is by cleaning. Your spare change might be an annoyance to you, but it’s as good as gold to your kids. Couch Cushions, under beds, and in the laundry room, are great places they can look for the buried treasure.
It can be difficult to figure out how to get kids to clean, but we encourage you to try to make it fun for them. We hope you and your family find our tips useful, and can find a way to make cleaning enjoyable for the kids. Keep up with our blog or follow us on facebook for more cleaning tips like these